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Evidence-Based Wellness Programs
Six-Week Classes Designed to Improve Your Health
Have you heard about our Healthy Living workshops for people with ongoing health conditions, or are caregivers for someone with a chronic condition? Originally developed by Stanford University, the workshops include:
Living Well with Chronic Conditions
Take Charge of Your Diabetes
Cancer: Thriving & Surviving
Powerful Tools for Caregivers
These classes are taught at local senior centers or other community locations by certified instructors. Attendees learn practical tools for managing their health conditions and improving their overall wellness and mental health in the company of others going through similar experiences.

To live a healthy life with an ongoing health condition means working at overcoming the physical and emotional problems caused by the disease. FTAAAD's evidence-based workshops will help you live a healthier life. They help participants to:
Find better ways of dealing with pain and fatigue
Discover easy exercises to help improve or maintain strength and energy
Learn the appropriate use of medications
Improve nutrition
Talk effectively with family, friends and health professionals
Learn how to deal with stress and relax
Feel better about life. CLICK HERE to learn more.